Wednesday, April 2

Living This Week’s Gospel: 

John 9:1–41

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus performs a miracle-giving sight to a beggar man who has been blind since birth! This story reveals Jesus’ divinity, but perhaps most important is the way that the various people react to this miracle. The Pharisees (the leaders of Jewish law at this time) remain confident that God is not present in this miracle and cast out anyone who disagrees with them. They claim to “see” the truth.

We think of times in our own lives when we have been blind to God’s work in places where it doesn’t seem to make sense to us because, like Jesus performing this miracle on a Sabbath Day, it breaks the rules of our society. When we say “we see” how God does and does not work, when we disregard that God works through those we least expect-the forgotten, marginalized, the sinful-we carry the same ignorance as the Pharisees.

This week, pray that God restores your “sight” to graceful acceptance of his glory in all things, even those that don’t correspond with the rules of our world.