Wednesday, April 16

Living This Week’s Gospel:

Matthew 26:14–27:66

As we meditate on the physical pain that the crucifixion caused Jesus, we remember that this man was a human with a body, much like us! Also, not unlike us, he was endowed with free will. Taking up the cross and dying for our sins was a conscious decision that he made out of that free will!

How is this unlike our first parents, Adam and Eve, who, endowed with free will, chose to disobey God because they wanted to know what God knew, to be more godlike? In Jesus’ humble obedience, in his decision to follow God’s will and act as his servant on earth, he cancels out Adam’s and Eve’s sin of pride.

He shows us that we can only attain God’s glory by offering up our lives to him. We are blessed with the freedom to make many decisions in our lives; how are these decisions in line with God’s plan for us and for the world?